Dale County
Sheriff's Office
Ozark, Alabama
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Jail Division

Dale County Jail

Jail Administrator: Captain Steven Baxley

124 Adams Street, Ozark, AL 36360

PO Box 279 Ozark, AL 36360

Phone (334) 774-5402

Fax    (334) 445-4020


The Dale County Jail is located in Ozark and is the primary detention facility for all law enforcement agencies in Dale County.  The 116 bed facility was built in 1988 after a fire destroyed the old jail. The jail is named after former Sheriff Bryant Mixon.

The county jail houses individuals charged and awaiting trial, those arrested on warrants, those serving sentences for misdemeanor crimes, those placed on holds by Alabama Parole and Probation, those sentenced to and awaiting beds in Alabama Department of Corrections or Community Corrections, those sentenced by municipal courts in our county as well as others placed here on holds for other agencies.

The jail is divided into separate cell blocks to insure safety and security for the inmates and staff. The county jail has a specialized cell block that houses "high-risk" inmates based on the nature of their crimes, behavior while in jail or a health condition that requires specialized care. The county jail also has a 12-bed female dorm, law library, full kitchen and booking room.


Inmate Visitation Hours (Sundays only):

Male Inmates:     

12:30 PM - 1:00 PM

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Female Inmates:   2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Trustees:              3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Visitation Rules and Guidelines

  • Children are not allowed in the Jail.
  • All visitors (15 years and older) must have valid identification.
  • Only two (2) visitors per inmate authorized.
  • Tobacco products and Vaping devices are not allowed inside the Jail.
  • Bags, purses and cell phones/recording devices are not allowed in the Jail.
  • Visitors must be signed up prior to visitation. 
  • Property or Over the Counter medication will not be accepted.
  • Prescription medication will be accepted, as long as it is a valid prescription issued to the inmate.
  • All other items (whites, hygiene etc.) will be provided by the Dale County Jail.
  • An inmate has to be incarcerated for 72 hours prior to being eligible for visitation.
  • Inmates on lock down are not eligible for visitation.

Inmate Mail

All incoming and outgoing mail will be processed through U.S.P.S.

Inmate Telephone System

The inmate telephone system is operated by Inmate Calling Solutions.

To set up a pre-paid account and/or family and family debit account, call 1-888-506-8407 or visit www.icsolutions.com.

Inmate Voicemail: Inmate voicemail is now available through the inmate telephone system. Friends and family members can leave a voicemail message to inmates for only $1.00. They must have a pre-paid account with available funds and know the inmate's ID number. To leave a voicemail message, please call 877-831-0387 and follow the "prompts".


Facility Rules & Regulations for all visitors and guests

  • Any attempt to enter contraband into the facility will result in criminal charges.
  • All persons, packages, and vehicles are subject to search while on county property.
  • Dale County Jail is not liable for lost or stolen items.
  • Destruction of county property will result in criminal charges.

Failure to follow all policies of the Dale County Jail will result in an officer asking you to leave the premises. Failure to leave when asked can result in being banned from the property.



Monday - Friday; Call to schedule an appointment.



Bail Bonding Agents

The following companies are the only companies that are authorized to write bonds at the Dale County Jail after December 31, 2021:

A-Ability Bonding             (334) 596-4149  /  (334) 718-8386 / (334) 733-2284

A-Advantage Bonding       (334) 712-9988  /  (334) 790-1729 / ( 334) 655-6560

AFAST Bonding LLC         (334) 796-1656 / (334) 790-1729

ASAP Bonding Co             (334) 494-7030

Big Boy Bonding, Inc        (334) 258-5463

Bulldog Bail Bonds LLC      (334) 867-9007 / (334) 684-9963

2nd Chance Bonding, Inc  (334) 464-0229