With my first message of 2018, I’d like to offer my gratitude to some very special people.
I am grateful to the wonderful staff of the Dale County Sheriff’s Office. Each of these fine men and women work hard to serve the citizens of our community. Their unselfish devotion pays dividends for all. Thank you, staff, for your service to the Sheriff’s Office and to all of Dale County.
I am grateful to the families of our officers. Being the spouse or family member of a law enforcement officer is not an easy task, especially at a time when some segments of our society do not appreciate the professional job being done by law enforcement in Dale County and elsewhere. These wonderful families sacrifice much so that each officer can fulfill his or her duty. Thank you, family members, for your unselfish support of our officers.I am grateful to the citizens of Dale County for your support of the Sheriff’s Office. We work for you and it means so much to know that you support our efforts to help make Dale County a great place to live.
When I was first elected as your Sheriff, I pledged that we would always attempt to do the right thing at the right time and for the right reason. We have tried to do that and your support has been a great part of that effort. Thank you for all you do for us, and especially for your prayers on behalf of our officers who do a fantastic job helping to make Dale County a safe place in which to live.
May this New Year be a year of blessing for all!
Sheriff Wally Olson